IGSN Organisation
Who we are
IGSN e.V. is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2011 to manage the allocation and registration of International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSNs).
The IGSN e.V. works with DataCite to provide a globally recognised persistent identifier for sample identification and tracking that facilitates the efficient sharing of samples and their associated metadata among researchers, institutions, and databases.
Additionally, IGSN e.V. works to promote the use of IGSNs in research and to establish partnerships with other data infrastructures to enhance the integration and interoperability of sample data and metadata. The organisation also provides a range of services related to IGSNs, such as training, support, and software tools for managing and sharing sample data and metadata.
Our aim
The objective of the IGSN e.V. is to implement and promote standard methods for identifying, citing, and locating physical samples with confidence by operating an international IGSN registration service.
IGSN e.V. Executive Board
The IGSN e.V. Executive Board comprises three elected positions and one ex officio member. They are elected at the General Assembly Meetings and serve a term of two years.
President - Jens Klump
Vice president (Deputy President) - Kirsten Elger
Vice President (Treasurer) - Doris Maicher
Safeguarding Good Research Practice
As part of a cooperation contract between the IGSN e.V. and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) from 31 July 2024 , IGSN e.v. aligns with the "GFZ Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice". With this cooperation, IGSN e.V. also formally approves the Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice" of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The Ombudspersons of GFZ (Christian Haberland, Birgit Schröder and Grischa Beier) are also available for related questions by members of IGSN e.V. as are the Ombudspersons of the Helmholtz Centres.