IGSN Agents and Prefixes

IGSN Agents and IGSN Registration Services


SESAR² is a community platform that helps make samples more discoverable, accessible, and reusable, and connects samples with the knowledge ecosystem derived from them.

More information: https://www.geosamples.org/

GFZ Data Services

GFZ Data Services at the Helmholtz Centre offers an IGSN Registration Service

More information: https://dataservices-cms.gfz-potsdam.de/igsn-registration-info 

Kiel University IGSN Service

The IGSN service is available to all employees and institutions of Kiel University.

More information: https://igsn.uni-kiel.de/documentation/en/


Lithodat Pty Ltd offers IGSN registration and DOI registration. Lithodat can mint IGSNs for any sample or analysis, creating a "Digital Twin" and establishing a long-lasting reference with a public landing page for each IGSN.

More information: https://www.lithodat.com/doi-igsn-minting 

AuScope Sample Catalogue and IGSN Registration Service

Coming online soon.

Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) PID Service

Coming online soon.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Internal IGSN service.

Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER)

Internal IGSN service.

IGSN Communities of Practice

Requirements for the use of IGSNs are diverse across communities and use cases. The IGSN Organisation hosts and supports Communities of Practice to develop best practices for the identification and description of samples. 

List of DataCite DOI Prefixes Used for IGSN IDs