How to become a member
How to become an IGSN e.V. member
Membership is open to all organisations who have an interest in developing and providing methods to locate, identify and cite physical samples, promoting and developing knowledge and skills exchange regarding the availability of physical samples and policies for their handling, or overseeing the rules and procedures for operating an IGSN ID registration service with a distributed infrastructure for use by and benefit of its members.
Membership is only open to organisations, not to individuals.
Applications for membership in the IGSN Organisation must be sent in writing to the IGSN e.V. management office (Statutes: §5 Membership Application). As part of the application process, you will be asked to provide some basic information about your organisation and its motivation for joining the IGSN Organisation.
Members will be charged an annual membership fee. The membership fee is €250 per year and is due at the beginning of the calendar year.
Benefits of Membership
There are several benefits to being a member of IGSN e.V.:
Members receive support and training from IGSN e.V. on the use and management of IGSN IDs, as well as access to software tools and best practices for sample management.
Members have the opportunity to participate in the governance of the organisation through election to leadership roles and participation in the General Assembly. This enables members to influence the direction and policies of the organisation and to contribute to the development of international standards for sample management.
Membership in IGSN e.V. provides a way for institutions and organisations to demonstrate their commitment to best practices in sample management and to enhance their visibility in relevant research communities.
Note: You have to be a member of DataCite to mint IGSN IDs. Membership in the IGSN Organisation (IGSN e.V.) is not required to register IGSN IDs but is strongly encouraged.