IGSN Statutes (English Language Version)

Statutes of the IGSN Organization e.V.

Version of 17 January 2024

Note: This is the English language translation of the statutes, the legally binding version is the German language version of the statutes.

§ 1 Name, registered office, fiscal year

§ 2 Purpose, objectives, charitable status

§ 3 Definitions

§ 4 Membership

§ 5 Membership application

§ 6 Termination of membership

§ 7 Membership fees

§ 8 Affiliated Members


§ 9 Constituent bodies of the Association

The constituent bodies of the Association are the Executive Board and the General Assembly.

§ 10 Executive Board

§ 11 Responsibilities of the Executive Board

§ 12 Appointment and term of office of the Executive Board

§ 13 Meetings and resolutions of the Executive Board

§ 14 General Assembly

§ 15 Convening the General Assembly

§ 16 Extraordinary General Assembly meetings

An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall be convened by the President whenever deemed necessary in the interest of the Association, or if requested in writing by one fourth of the members, specifying the purpose and the reasons behind their request.

§ 17 Resolutions by the General Assembly

§ 18 Intellectual Property

Any Intellectual Property owned by IGSN and any development contributed by a member to a development of IGSN shall be Open Source and shall be made available by a Public Access License.

§ 19 Dissolution of the Association